I’m Baaack

For once, I’ve had a decent reason to not post anything. Thanks to a dislocated ring finger, on top of hideous amounts of work, and root canal treatment (boy, has turning 40 been fun!), I’ve been unable to write much. Evenings have been spent lying on the sofa going “ow”, softly and gently. But now, the finger is starting to heal, my left hand has started to work properly again and so, for the first time in weeks, I can post something. Hurrah!

First off, here’s Wilco’s new single, called “I Might”, from their new record The Whole Love, out in September. As ever, it sounds much like Wilco but with new little details that keep you coming back for more. But aren’t you just a little bit disappointed they didn’t call the song “Wilco (The First Single From The New Album)”? And the album “Wilco (The New Album)”?

Just me then.

Loads more to come, hopefully.

Buy Wilco Stuff Here

Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow

First it was root canal treatment, then writers block. Now, a third, rather more damaging element has come into play to stop me from writing. Namely, doing this playing football last night:

If You Think Fixing This Might Hurt, You'd Be Right

Still, I scored three goals, won Man Of The Match, and got free Codeine and Nitrous Oxide in the hospital. I sure know how to have a good time.

In short, two fingers on my left hand are strapped together meaning I can’t type well. And as I love writing, and struggle to cut my word count to a decent level, I may be even quieter than usual.

So in the meantime, here’s a song that I can’t even begin to describe. Battles. “Ice Cream”. Mad. With a mad video (possibly NSFW).


MP3: Ice Cream by Battles

Note: I’ve posted the “clean” version of the video so you don’t need to sign up.

Buy “Gloss Drop” (CD/MP3)

Getting To Beirut Of The Problem

Oh, writer’s block is a right old bugger. I’ve tons of stuff to write about; live reviews of Low, Fleet Foxes and M Ward (in short: “brilliant”, “a touch meh”, and “Holy sweet mother of Jebus, how is he doing that?”; lots of new music floating around the ether, and all I can do is sit in front of my screen with my fingers unmoving and my mouse untouched.

They say the best way to get over it is to just write. So here we go.

Stop Blowing That Damned Trumpet And Row, Or You're Sleeping With The Fishes

Beirut. Jewel of the eastern Mediterranean, as well as being the name of a sporadically marvellous band hailing from New York who, over the last five years, have made some charming records using instrumentation not usually heard outside of a dive bar in Bratislava. You know, accordions and that. And now, they are back, with a new record called The Rip Tide, with a single called East Harlem. I’ve no idea what part of the world Zach Condon has trawled to get ideas from for this one, but goddamn it, it sounds fine:

So, that’s my writers block unblocked then. See you in a week.

MP3: East Harlem by Beirut

Amazon’s Beirut Store