About Me

This site is mainly about music. Now, most music blogs tend to be trying to find the next Arcade Fire/Grizzly Bear/Vampire Weekend/Furtive Chortle, and whilst that’s all well and good, I’ve sometimes found it hard to find anything good about some of the older bands around. Not even necessarily particularly obscure bands. So that’s partly what this blog is about. And part of that is me listening to, and writing about, all the songs in The Pitchfork 500 list. Because it gives me a chance to listen to a pretty reasonable cross-section of pop/rock/indie/and a few other genres of the last 30-years.

There’ll also be some new music around, and though I can’t promise to be able to keep up with the times, you should be able to find something decent you’ve not heard before. I hope.

Hope you enjoy it. If you want to contact me, please do so on loftandlost at gmail dot com.

Frankly, the site is mostly static.  Who I am kidding?  It’s static.

Love, L&L.