I’ve Been Waiting On Me

So there we were, driving back from the Midlands one warm early summers evening, with Radio 2 on. Now, I generally don’t find myself listening to Radio 2 very often, what with the memory of “Sing Something Simple” and other such 70’s horrors, but there are times that I simply can’t face another children’s album, the kids won’t accept Radio 4, and we’ve already sung ourselves hoarse to The Best Of Blondie (the one album we can all agree to). As we’re driving down the M1, sun setting off to the right, warm keyboard stabs come over the radio, with a driving bass and none-more-Phil-Collins drums.

Something clicks – I like this! – but it’s a song that feels like I’ve not heard in years. What is it again? Sounds familiar…ah yes, it’s that Future Islands track. The one with the “drunken divorced dad dancing at a wedding” performance on Letterman.

And then a thought struck me. Future Islands? On Radio 2?

And then another thought struck me. Years since I heard this? It was released in March. This year.

Time truly does fly.

If you think this is my way of saying that I’m a lazy git who can’t be bothered to post much, then you’d be right. Do you think I care?1

Buy Future Islands “Singles” Here

1 Of course, I do care. For all you loyal readers out there, I wish I had the time and inclination to post more, and one day, I surely will.